1. Juice fasting gives your digestive system a
well-needed BREAK because there is no fiber in the juice. You are only drinking liquids during the fast; your digestive system doesn't need to work.
Allowing your body to rest and not have to work so hard.
Juice fasting helps cleanse and detox your internal
organs. Your internal organs need cleansing and detoxing such as your liver and kidneys from all the food and drinks that you consume.
Note: The cleaner your diet, the easier and quicker your detox will go.
Juice fasting eliminates waste in your body. You are making the process of elimination, of which your kidneys are in charge of, much easier by juice fasting. If you are not eliminating waste regularly from your body, you or your body
parts will get sick. This alone is a good enough reason to go on one.
Juice fasting enhances your body and mind.
Once the first few days of detoxing passes, your
bodily senses increase and heighten!
Juice fasting makes your eyes and skin glow.
You will notice your skin start to glow and
the white of your eyes start to sparkle and become
a beautiful clear blue-white. Your body is
rejuvenating from the inside out!!!
Juice fasting gives you tons of natural energy that lasts all day long. This is one of the best benefits of fasting: you get a lot more energy than when you are eating food on a regular diet. The reason is that your digestive system is resting and not working hard. All that energy that is needed to work your digestive system for food is now your power boost !!
Juice fasting helps you lose stubborn weight easily
and quickly. Now, this is a BONUS.... weight loss that doesn’t come off so easy to some! I know I’ve had it and I am sure some of you have had that problem too. A nice juice fast will melt away this stubborn weight and keep it off if you return to a healthy lifestyle afterward.
Juice fasting helps you with a new beginning.
After you have spent a week, two weeks, or even
a month long juice fasting, this is a great time to
reflect and think about our eating habits. This is
the time for a new and healthy start.
Fill your body with an abundance of assorted vitamins and nutrients!
makes 3 to 4 juices makes about 2 liters
depending on your vegetable sizes
3 large carrots
1/2 bundle of parsley
3 small beets
7 celery stalks
7 roma tomatoes
1 large english cucumber
1 chili ( optional )
1/2 lime ( peeled )
1 1/2 red pepper
1 green apple
recipe by erikalee®

Sunshine juice
Anti inflammatory juice
makes 2 juices
depending on your vegetable sizes
1 large pineapple peeled
1 large pink grapefruit peeled
2-inch piece of ginger
1 1/2 cups filtered water
NOTE: this juice is done in a blender and then passed through a nut bag.
recipe by Connie's Rawsome kitchen®

Honeydew Limeonade
Start your morning with this delicious juice.
makes two juices
1/4 of a honeydew melon
2 green apples
1 lemon ( peeled )
a chunk of ginger ( or to taste )
recipe by erikalee®

Bone Builder green juice
Build those strong bones!
makes two juices
1 orange
3 apple
1/2 cucumber
4 to 6 celery stalks
4 to 5 kale stalks
1 romaine heart
1 lemon or lime ( peeled )
1 1/2 inch chunk of ginger ( or to taste )
recipe by erikalee®

Bloody Mary
Not only will it this juice give you a lift and energize you, but it's really good!
makes two juices
3 carrots
2 apples
4 small beets ( or 1 large )
3 large celery stalks
1 romaine heart
1 lemon ( peeled )
1 1/2 inch chunck of ginger ( or to taste )
recipe by erikalee®

Heavy metal buster
Not only will it this juice delicious but it also energizing As for benefits Cilantro is know to detoxify heavy metals from the body. and Pineapple is an aniinfamitory fruit. How awesome is that!
makes two juices
1 bundle of cilantro
1 lime peeled
1 small ripe pineapple
recipe by erikalee®

Honeydew Zinger
Start your morning with this delicious cleansing juice.
makes two juices
1/4 of a honeydew melon
2 green apples
1 lime ( peeled )
a chunk of ginger ( or to taste )
2 pink grapefruits
recipe by erikalee®

Note: if you have never done a juice fast, please consult your doctor first for any potential benefits or risks to you with consideration of your personal medical situation. You should also continue to work closely with your doctor if you intend to engage in a long juice fasting.
*Individual results may vary. Juice fasting and detoxing is not recommended for everyone. Juice fasting is not advised for women
who are pregnant or nursing.*